Treatment and health care

We are running a medical clinic, in order to provide medical services to people in need.

We provide medical services like immunization, antenatal care, general medical services, and laboratory services.

Treatments that change lives

We started in a small room in our Solace Office in 2004 to address mainly the needs of HIV/AIDS-affected women and young girls as a result of sexual violence during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda. At the time, a care and treatment scheme was initiated for the 800 beneficiaries who suffered from the disease.

The current medical clinic is not able to serve the growing population of >50,000 people in Kabuga. It breaks our hearts to send away patients, but we do not have enough capacity. That is why we decided to extend our clinic. Our biggest project, where we still need a lot of support.

Right now, we are in the process of extending the Solace Medical Clinical by constructing a new building.

A Polyclinic, to be able to offer the services that are needed
Construction plans for our new Polyclinic in Kabuga

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